Sunday, March 18, 2012

Meet some precious new friends

 We had an opportunity to meet and visit with some great new friends who also adopted from China: Nathan, Stacie, and Karlye.  Karlye is just 10 days older than Olivia.  Miss Karlye is a cutie pie!!!!  She has a smile that will light up a room and Olivia LOVED playing with her.  She even shared her chair with Olivia.  They sat in it together at one point but I couldn't snap a picture quick enough :)

 Karlye is being funny in the picture below and making a funny face :).  I was trying to get them both to smile.  This made us laugh when she was making this face :)
Not sure if they are hugging or telling secrets :)
"Hey, you look kinda like me" :)

We had a great time meeting Nathan, Stacie, and sweet Karlye!!  We hope to definitely get together again next time we are in Birmingham and let the girls play :).  This was our first get-together with fellow adoptive parents.  I know we asked them a thousand questions throughout the night :).  There is so much to ask other parents who have adopted!!  They are currently going through with the beginning steps of their second adoption - HOW EXCITING!!!  You can see Karlye's blog at

Saturday, March 17, 2012

A trip home to Alabama

Julie had to go to Atlanta on business from 3/4 - 3/8 and my family had a family reunion in Birmingham on 3/10, so Olivia and I flew to Birmingham on 3/4 as Julie was heading to Atlanta.  Julie joined us in Birmingham on 3/8.  The 3 of us flew back on Monday, 3/12.  We had a great time visiting family and friends.

Bing is doing great!!  She loved spending time with family and friends.  She is learning more words literally everyday.  We are so proud of her and can't believe it's almost our 1 year Gotcha anniversary!  We are totally in love. We fell hard for this little beauty :).  She is non-stop on go and the sweetest natured little person I've ever known.  She will willingly share toys and loves to follow her big cousin McKenzie around (as you will see in these pics).

 About to come down the slide with cousin, McKenzie!
 That was fun! Let's go again!
 Playing with Grandaddy!
 Exploring around the lake with my great aunt, Sis!
 Sitting with my great uncle, Ken!
 Feeding my cousin, Maddie!  They both seemed to enjoy it.

 Playing with McKenzie!

 Trying to keep up!
 If I were just a little taller, I could reach that handle.
 McKenzie was very sweet playing with Olivia and she took good care of her.  Olivia wants to be just like her big cousin "Mac"

 Just hanging with the girls.  This is how we roll (literally - a bike pulls this thing)!
 About to go down the bouncy slide.
 She wasn't too sure about it at first, but she loved it.  She loved doing anything with McKenzie.
 After all of that playing, it was time for a cupcake and a drink.  McKenzie was by Olivia's side the entire day - she was so proud of her little cousin!  She had lots of friends at Adley's birthday party, but never left Bing's side!!!  What a precious little neice we have!!!
Not sure what she was laughing at, but it must have been funny.
Sitting with McKenzie and GiGi

 Taking a break with MamMaw.
DeeDee loves her 2 girls
Uncle JoJo with cousin Maddie.  Two great daddies with two great little girls.

She loved riding the 4-wheeler.
Just riding around with Uncle Scott.  She thought this was SO COOL!
Love doing anything with my daddy

With Aunt Les at Adley's 3rd birthday party.  Having a great time!
All the kids were just tailoring to little Miss Priss :)

3 great dad's hanging out at a princess's birthday party :).  So sweet!
With my big cousins Mac and Logan.  They were all about her :)