Monday, December 20, 2010

Update on Olivia!!!

We are thrilled!  We got an unexpected update today from our China contact with our adoption agency.  We also got pictures :).  I will let the pictures and information speak for themselves.  I know you join in our joy over this new information.  The only item that gives us concern is that they talk about her having a 2nd surgery in Shanghi in April.  If this happens, it would mean that our adoption would be delayed.  We are praying that she can be home with her family for her next surgery, but that the adoption goes through quickly because her condition cannot afford a delayed surgery either.  Our God is an on time God!!  He is never early and never late - He's always right on time! 

Here are the update we received from the orphanage:
FuBing's condition has stablized the last few months.  Now, she even started eating rice cereal.  Sometimes, our foreign volunteers will make some apple sause for her.  BingBing loves to smile and loves to play with people.  She is like other other babies, even when she goes to sleep, she wants someone to be with her, otherwise, she would cry. 
According to the doctor's instruction, we already gradually stopped digoxin, kcl, and bostan.  At this current time, she is still taking omerprazole, lasix, asprin, vitamin, and ampicillin.  FuBing does not need to go to Shanghai now, but still need to go to Shanghai next April for follow up.  If her physical condition is well, the doctor will perform the second surgery next April.
Height: 63 cm;
Weight: 4.8 kg
Head circumference: 40 cm
Our Best,
Danny and Julie

1 comment:

  1. She is the most precious little girl! I love her little outfits :-)
