Saturday, April 16, 2011

Funny Video - my Bing Bing refuses to keep her bow in!!!

Okay, I think you will LOVE this video!!  We were taking pictures at Danny's moms before we left town and Aunt Melanie was actually videoing instead of taking a picture.  Olivia now thinks its funny to take out her bow right after mommy puts it in.  Then, she thinks its HILARIOUS when I get on to her!!  What is a mom to do?!?!?  I keep telling her "no", but she and daddy just laugh at me (Danny says I smile when I say it).  I can't help but laugh when she laughs at me for telling her to stop pulling out the bow.  I love my little Bing Bing!!!!  She is SO funny!!!  I can't wait for everyone to meet her :).  She is a precious gift and God has a special purpose for our precious little girl!!

All our Love,
Danny and Julie