Sunday, June 12, 2011

Update on the Bing

Hi All!!

Well, there is much to update everyone on.  I can't believe it is already June 12th!!  Olivia has had her 1st trip to the pool since I last posted and has also turned 17 months old.  We are happy to report that since coming home, Olivia has grown 2 inches in height and is now the proud owner of 16lbs :).  We are so incredibly proud of her progress!!  The doctors actually said we can decrease her pediasure (although this will be hard since Bing loves her pediasure!!)

Bing had a ph probe at Children's hospital in Birmingham and her results were abnormal.  She had 274 episodes of reflux during the 23.75 hours.  That is 11.2 per hour and you are considered abnormal at 1.5!!!  Our poor little angel has just been incredibly uncomfortable!!  She was also abnormal on many of the other parameters as well - leading our GI specialist to give us a referral to a surgery consult.  As of right now, we will have that appointment on the 24th of June.  She was great during the ph probe, especially considering her sweet little arms had braces to hold them straight so she couldn't pull her cord out :(

Olivia also had her 1st official hair cut!!  I took her to the girl who has been doing my hair for almost 14 years in Columbiana, AL.  We love you Wendy!!! Her hair looks adorable.  Wendy did the most possible with the amount of hair we were working with :). 

I return to work July 5th and can't hardly imagine leaving my sweet angel during the day.  Please pray that God will give me the strength to do what we believe He is leading us to do. 

I think about Olivia's birth parents often.  I look at how beautiful she is and imagine what they must look like.  I also think about how I will answer these questions that I know she will have one day.  She is our dream come true!!  She is so beautiful y'all!!  She is smart, funny, and just a joy to raise!  I just look at her, even when she is sleeping, and tell Danny that I can't believe she is really home!!  For so long you look at pictures of this child a half a world away.  I am so grateful for God's gift and pray that I am the mother He created me to be!

Lastly, Bing is just growing like a weed and developing right along with it.  She can stand with assistance and wants to stand ALL the time.  She now has 2 teeth!!  I have introduced a toothbrush and she thinks it's funny.  She is learning to wake "bye bye" and is currently in a "pulling the hair" phase- I'm praying this one passes quickly :).

Children's Hospital

She fell asleep in her highchair - we thought it was precious!

Wendy at the Personal Touch in Columbiana, AL :).  First hair cut day!

You can tell here that we are going for a bob when her hair gets longer and thicker

You can see her 2 teeth :).  Plus, we let her make a huge mess with her dinner and took a picture.
I was also able to get the email address to the Chinese cardiologist who performed Olivia's 1st heart surgery and we just heard back from her today!!!  Can you believe it?!?!  She said she would be happy to update us on what was done to Olivia.  She speaks English well.

Our Best,
Danny, Julie, and Bing Bing

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