Monday, July 4, 2011

Olivia is funny!!

Having a good time playing with a bowl!!  She is playing with her great grandmom (my dad's mom) and having a blast! :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Finally More Photos of our Beautiful China girl!!!

Whew!!  It has been a whirlwind!!  We went to Birmingham earlier than expected due to Olivia choking on solid food - they unexpectedly admitted us to Children's hospital Monday!!  We didn't exactly go expecting to spend 2 nights and 3 days in the hospital, but we made the best of it (Thank you DeeDee for your daily homemade biscuits and starbucks coffee)!!  Bing had everything from an echo, to a scope, to the barium swallow test.  All in all - she is great! :).  This is great!!  We are, however, left with no answers as to why she was/is choking on solid food.  You can tell from the photos that she is a trooper!  We met with all kinds of doctors - her cardiologist, her GI specialist, pediatric surgeon, nutritionist, international adoption pediatric specialist, family therapist, developmental therapist, etc...  We are thankful God has given us such wonderful physicians!!!

Our precious angel has gained a whooping 4 1/2 lbs since coming home just 2 1/2 months ago and has grown 2 inches.  She is now a healthy 17 pounds :)...  She also has 4 teeth now:).  She is becoming totally mobile and can't wait to start walking.

I can't believe it's already time for me to go back to work!!!  My work has been so gracious to let me off for 3 wonderful months!!  It's rare to have such a wonderful employer and leadership team, but I certainly do!!!  However, leaving this precious gift will be the hardest thing I've ever done!  Please pray for a smooth transition!!  God has given us a wonderful nanny, Sarah, who will be here with the Bing so that she doesn't have to leave home OR be around other children for now (remember that we have no spleen!!!)  We do believe that God is leading me back to work so we know He will be gracious and comforting during this transition!!  We know that we must surrender to Him daily and follow where He leads!! 
Sporting my trendy hospital gown and making it look good!

Even though they put an IV in my arm - I am a happy girl ;)

Mommy taking advantage of a rare sleeping opportunity to give a manicure
She makes this funny face all the time!  If I fix her hair and say, "look at mommy" she makes this face!
Sweaty, but happy with my daddy

My pawpaw makes me laugh :)