Monday, April 23, 2012

Easter, Updates, and More

Miss Beautiful during an Easter egg hunt with her cousins Josh, Caleb, and Abbie

We got this shirt in China and I must say that I LOVE IT :).  We had gone swimming at the indoor pool.

In her 4th of July outfit (in April) and posing with Aunt Mel during their visit from NC.

I like brownies :)

She LOVES gymnastics!!!  We started a mommy and me gymnastics class on Saturday mornings.  My dad was in town this weekend, so Danny and dad came and took some pictures :)

She does so good on the balance beem

Danny's older brother, Randy, and his family came in town the first week of April.  Bing loved having family in town and they sure loved on her.  I didn't have the time to post all the pics, but I will soon!  They went to downtown Philly and saw the historic places there, we dyed Easter eggs, had an Easter egg hunt, and just enjoyed time together! 

Olivia had her 2 year well visit (yes, a few months behind) and our little pumpkin is growing!  She is now 2 ounces shy of 23 lbs.  This places her 3rd percentile on the American growth chart, but 13th on the International :).  She is almost 31 inches long which, at this time, doesn't place her on either growth chart for height.  However, she has grown 4 inches since we arrived in Philly - so she is growing!!!  She went to the dentist and now has 16 teeth!!!  Can you believe that - 16 teeth in 12 months!!!  CRAZY!!  The pediatrician said she looks amazing and is doing SO well!  Said she looks and acts like a normal little 2 year old :).  She did say we could throw some extra butter on her toast and maybe a few milkshakes now and then :).

Just wanted to give a little update b/c it had been so long!  Will update more when I find a moment to sit! :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Gotcha Day Beautiful Girl!!! March 28 - 1 Full Year Together :)))

Wow!  It is so hard to believe that we have been a family for a year now!  So much has happened and so much has changed in just a year that it is hard to believe, but it has all been for the better.  We've had numerous doctor appointments, ER visits, tests, procedures, and hospital stays in Mississippi, Alabama, and now in Philadelphia.  Olivia has gone from not being able to sit up, hold a bottle, or feed herself to crawling, walking, running, talking, feeding herself, and revealing an incredible personality all along the way.

Waiting with anticipation of meeting Olivia for the first time.  (Julie's dad went with us to help out and to be our videographer.

 In walks our little Bing Bing and our lives have never been the same!
Our first introduction to each other!  With her beloved nanny known to her as "mama" and who we now affectionately call "Auntie Wang"
1st time to get to hold her!
1st photo together as a forever family!  You are looking at 2. Proud. Beaming. Parents.  Can you tell? 
Remember this pic??  We had just gotten her back to the hotel and taken her ponytail out and my girl had some crazy hair!!
Making our new family of 3 official on March 29th.

She has loved her daddy from the very beginning ;)

The was the face we fell in love with half a world away just a year ago
Our beautiful little angel today.  How. Precious. Is. This. Face...

So funny!  When we tell her to pose - this is what she does.

I love my "bubba" and he loves me (for the most part :))

Not a beautiful picture of mommy, but oh so precious of my little one!!! 
 She's home.  We are thankful!  She has been the light of our world the last 365 days!  We spent 8 years as a married couple without her and now can't imagine our lives any other way.  She has changed things for sure - the amount of sleep for one :))).  I wish you could all get to know her like we know her - she keeps us laughing!!!  She does the funniest things and we are just in awe of her.  

We are thankful to her Chinese mom and dad - thankful they chose life!!!  We are thankful that she can say "mommy and daddy" and we are thankful that we are ones that get to hear those sweet words from that sweet voice.  Yes, I believe "thankful" captures what we are one year later!

What I always heard about adoption I now know is true --

She isn't bone of my bone or flesh of my flesh, but she is MIRACULOUSLY my own!!!!

We will ask you to continue praying for our family.  Olivia has a heart cath coming up June 13th and this mommy and daddy are not looking forward to it.  We are scared.  We lay her at His feet and know He entrusted her to us and we must entrust her to Him!!!  Thank you for your prayers - we will keep everyone updated!!