Monday, December 26, 2011

Pictures, Pictures, and More Pictures

So, I have been the hoarder of pictures the last month or so.  Here is just a start to the pictures we have taken since Thanksgiving.  I'm primarily posting from all the parents visit to PA and then I'll work on Christmas pictures and our very quick trip to Alabama :).

We are having a blast with this little pumkin!!!  She is a dream come true and we are madly in love!!! 

We do have a family update to tell everyone about.  We felt God had put everything in place leading us to PA with my work.  We truly sought Him and believe we followed the path He put into place.  Having said that - we quickly discovered how difficult it is to have two working parents day in and day out.  In Mississippi - we had a wonderful nanny that came to our home to keep Olivia - sweet Mrs. Sarah.  However, we thought that once we moved up here we would find a great school that could continue to help with Olivia's development.  We did find a great school, but once she started being around other children - we had a hard time keeping her well.  Given her already serious medical conditions - and not having a spleen - this led to 3 weeks off work, 5 trips to the pediatrician, and 3 visits to the ER (b/c everyone is too concerned to give us advice over the phone given her medical history).  The 3 weeks we had to take off work were primarily taken by Danny given the fact I had just started a new job and he still had FMLA available for the year.  I took the first couple of days, but we soon realized that Olivia would require more time before returning to school so that led to Danny taking about 2 1/2 weeks of FMLA.  During this time, everything became easier and less stressful.  Danny and I both (as well as Olivia LOVING being with her daddy) felt this might be a direction God could be leading.  We began to pray - AND PRAY HARD!!  This is NOT a decision to be made lightly and to say we were scared of making the wrong decision would be a BIG understatement.  After much prayer and consideration of what was best for our family - especially Olivia - we decided for Danny to take an extended leave of absence (a HUGE blessing) to stay home with Olivia full time.  We are hoping to keep her as well as possible during this time in her little life.  So far the transition is going wonderful!!!  I still miss her like CRAZY during the day, but not having to worry makes the day a thousand times easier!  Olivia loves being at home with her daddy and Danny is loving his new role!!   

I will post more later with the Christmas pictures.  So much to tell about Ms. Bing Bing...

Much Love!

Playing around with my DeDe!!  Why she's in the sink - not sure :)

Cutest smile I've ever seen!!!

Couldn't resist - hilarious picture of how animated she gets! :)

She loves playing on the pool table.  She pushes the balls in the holes.  For those who didn't know we played pool - we don't.  It came with the house :)

From left to right - Aunt Betty Lane, my sister Angela, and little miss beautiful Maddie (my new neice).  I'm posting this to show you how beautiful little Miss Maddie is even though my smile looks plain silly :).  Olivia's new cousin smiles every second she is awake - so precious!  They live in Warner Robins, GA where my brother-in-law serves in the Air Force.

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