Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Road to Recovery Begins Now...

Well, it is over - yet, it has just begun.  As I write to all of you, it is 4am and I am sitting in a "not so comfortable" sleeper chair in a 4 pod room on the 6th floor of the CICU at CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia).  We are blessed.  We are tired.  We are two proud parents of a very strong and very weak little Olivia.
I think the hardest part has been seeing my little angel want to cry but not quite have the energy to do it.  She is so tired, hurts so much, and seems like she's in a bit of shock.  It's 4am of post-op Day 2 and we aren't quite sure what the day holds.  Will it be a tough day or a much better day?  We pray her chest tube will get to come out this morning.  Although I'm not looking forward to that happening, it will make it so much easier on her to get moving.  Her bleeding is still more than I think they like, so I'm not sure we'll be lucky enough to have it removed.
We attempted her first walk yesterday which basically resulted in mommy carrying her around the unit for 1 lap - her little body just wasn't quite ready.  We got her to stand for a brief moment, but she wasn't very happy about her accomplishment.

Getting ready for the big walk

She is so strong!  She has been such a brave little trooper.

Great news!  We were told last Thursday that Olivia would need a blood transfusion as part of the bypass machine.  They told us she was O+ and Danny thought that he was a match, but wasn't 100% sure.  If he wanted to make a direct donation for her, he would have to do it on the Tuesday before her surgery b/c they only use blood that is 48 hours old or less for the bypass machine.  On Tuesday, we were still unable to confirm his blood type, but we did confirm that I am O+ - YAY!!!  We both decided to donate - JUST IN CASE!!  On the morning of surgery - they told us they had received BOTH donations bags - meaning that we were BOTH a match!!!!  They only gave her one bag during surgery, but after more bleeding than what they expected after surgery, they ended up having to give her the second bag!  So, she officially has both our blood running through her precious little body!!!  We were 100% her parents regardless, but we feel honored to have been able to do that for her!!! :)

Friday, post-op day 1, was tough but it's over!! :).  Every bad moment we have is one bad moment behind us.  Danny and I are sleep deprived and emotionally exhausted, but if our little girl can handle what she's going through -so can we!!!  Our family support has been incredible!!!  All our parents came up prior to surgery and also my 1st cousin, Tracy, and my best friend in world, Natalie.  My precious friend and co worker, Beth, brought us dinner last night from my company.  We are so incredibly humbled to have such wonderful friends and to feel so supported!  On the morning of surgery, an elder from our church along with our new pastor also came to pray with us before the surgery - so honored!

All in all - life is hard, but God is good!  Bing is on the road to recovery.  Every bad day we experience is a bad day behind us and one day closer to seeing that little personality we love so much.

And just for pure sweetness:


  1. I started to cry when I got to the part about y'all donating your blood! That is too precious!

    Praying that she has a quick recovery and for God to give y'all strength!

  2. I feel so bad posting this here but I don't know how else to reach you. I hope you get this...
    Thank you so very much for thinking of us and sending that incredible edible arrangment!!! It was the most thoughtful gift and we all enjoyed it!!!! I hope you will post soon on how Olivia is doing. Much love from Boston. Mary Sammons
