Saturday, March 5, 2011

Our Journey - Busy, Busy, Busy

Oh my goodness!!!  How busy life becomes when the day is real and COMING SOON!  We are still trying to finalize our travel plans and should have them complete by today!  Today we are working hard to gather and organize our travel documents and adoption paperwork that we have to take.  Just a few more weekends of our family of two!!!

We will celebrate 8 years together March 15th!!  I can hardly believe it's been that long!  It feels like the perfect time for Olivia to join our family.  We feel so blessed to be the earthly parents of this little girl.  God has poured out His blessing by allowing us to raise this precious little angel.  She is our miracle! 

Please keep Olivia in your prayers as her life is about to be turned completely upside down.  Not only will her nights become her days and her days her nights, she'll leave the only home she's known, leave her country and her people, but she will also begin a worldwind of hospital and doctors appointments.  She will only have 2 nights in her new bed before being wisked off to UAB for her medical assesments and treatments.  I know it will be a crazy time, but it makes this momma feel SO much better to know she will be assessed quickly so the appropriate action can be taken. 

This is our journey, and I pray that you will go prayerfully with us.  In one month from today - we will have Olivia in our arms and the joy we will have in our hearts will be immeasurable (and probably the look on our faces too since we have no idea what to do with her next :) )!!

Let's take a look at her journey so far!!

1 comment:

  1. I check your blog almost everyday for updates. Can't believe how far you guys have come since the beginning of the blog. The time is near! You all will be in our prayers...... Can't wait to see her in person. Jay
