Thursday, January 8, 2015

Busy, Busy, Busy.... Oh, and did I mention - Olivia is turning 5!!!!

In the world of adoption - there is NEVER a dull moment. All week has been full of steps forward and set backs.  I am trying not to get over whelmed but it is difficult at times.  The best news of the adoption this week is that we somehow made our timeline of a complete/notarized/fully approved home study TODAY!! YAY!  New Beginnings (our home study agency) is overnighting our homestudy to WACAP (our adoption agency) so that they can prayerfully get our I-800a sent off before 3pm tomorrow overnighted to the USCIS for Monday delivery.  It will then enter some secret "lockbox" for a week to 10 days I'm told.  After that, an officer will be assigned our case and will decide if our AnaLei gets to be expedited by the US government.  I am nervous but know God knows when she needs to be home.  I am sending 2 doctors letters with our application praying they see the urgency of our girl and her need to be home yesterday!  She needs her momma and I need her.  The USCIS will then issue our fingerprint appointments. This is extremely nerve wracking b/c my mom is planning to go to Alaska February 11th to visit my sister so I just pray that we are able to complete our fingerprints before she leaves!!  We have been working on 3 tracks simultaneously so I know I sound like a crazy person when someone asks me how it's going, but that is actually a very complicated thing to answer.  The home study was track #1, pre-approval is track #2, and our dossier documents is track #3.  We still have not be able to lock AnaLei (Zou, Chun Lei) as the CCCWA is having technical difficulty with their website since re-opening Jan 5th.  As soon as our agency is able to "lock" her file - China will hopefully grant us pre-approval within 2 days to 2 weeks.  While we wait for all of this to happen, I have been gathering all of our dossier paperwork.  Tomorrow, we will hopefully have it all notarized.  Then, it has to be sent to the Sec of State in MS where the notarization gets authenticated.  Then, once we have our fingerprint APPROVAL - that gets notarized and authenticated and THEN we can send all documents to the Chinese Consulate.  Once they verify our documents - our dossier should be complete and off to China it goes!!  Easy breezy beautiful cover girl :):)

Now to the beautiful news that also has me in tears!!!  My big, smart, beautiful girl turns 5 years old tomorrow.  I can hardly deal with it!  She is so excited that her birthday falls on a school day :).  I'm taking cupcakes to her class with unicorns (her favorite) and dinosaurs for the boys.  She said it's "going to be so much fun" :).   As I think about my babies birth 5 years ago - I think about what a mystery it is this side of heaven.  I think how the angels must have rejoiced when she entered this world.  I believe her life has already brought Glory to God in the Highest!  I can't wait to see His plan for her.  Though the details of her birth will never be known to us - I rejoice with her birth mother (and father) who gave her life and left her to found quickly and safely for a better life they felt they could not provide.  My heart aches as I know they are thinking about her even now.  Oh how I wish I could tell them about her.  I feel like she probably has her birth mother's eyes and her father's perfect nose.  She has their black hair and most beautiful brown eyes.  If only they could see the masterpiece they created :).  I am thankful to be her mother on this earth.  Danny is thankful to be her daddy.  We love her more than we could have ever imagined loving another human being.  She is our rock.  She is our inspiration.  Thank you precious Lord for entrusting this precious life to us and may we be pleasing in your sight as we raise her to see you in your glorious light!

I will hopefully post tomorrow that our I-800a is on it's way.   If not - I will post tears instead....  Until then.

Some of the last pictures of Hunter :(.


Precious Baby!

Olivia and ALL of her animals watching TV :)

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