Monday, June 11, 2012

Catching Up

I am posting with no pictures - I know - it's a sin!!  But - if I wait until everything is totally ready - I'll post next Christmas ;)). 

We didn't get to post any content with the last pictures that we posted.  The pics from the last post were with Olivia's Chinese Australian grandparents, Ron and Sue, also known as YeYe and Sue Ni Ni (Chinese for grandfather and grandmother).  Ron and Sue are a retired couple from Australia that volunteered at Olivia's orphanage for 4 years.  They were the ones that kept Olivia during her first ten weeks at the orphanage, feeding her every 1-2 hrs to get her the nutrients she needed to survive.  We are so thankful to them for taking such good care of our little girl!  If it weren't for them, she most likely would not have lived.

They have a son, daughter-in-law, and 3 precious grandchildren who live in Colorado Springs, CO.  They told us they were coming to the states to see them and to make several other stops to see families of children adopted from the orphanage where they volunteered.  They were interested and willing to come meet and visit with us, so they came and stayed with us from May 18-22.  We had a great time getting to know them and they were amazed at how far Olivia has progressed since she left China.  They will always be a part of our forever family!

We had Olivia's pre-admission testing this morning and all went VERY well!  Olivia is really so well adjusted now and she is so comfortable with Danny and me.  The only time she cried was when the mean needle went in her arm :(.  Except for that - the day was great!  Her heart cath and cardiac MRI are Wednesday and we will be in the hospital until Thursday.  We have to be at the hospital at 5:30am!!  Whew!!  Mommy and daddy are nervous, but know she is in truly wonderful hands (CHOP is the #1 pediatric hospital in the nation).

We loved (Julie's) President's Club trip to the Bahamas 6/3 - 6/7 and it was really good timing!!  We had to opt out of the trip last year because we had just come home with Olivia.  Both of our mom's came up 6/1 to stay with Olivia while we went on our trip and they are staying with us through Olivia's heart cath.  They go home Friday morning (6/14) :(.  We definitely miss having our family nearby!!!

Olivia is graduating from OT!!! :)  We will continue her once a week speech therapy, but the Occupational therapist thinks she has developed to things appropriate for her age!!  YAY!! 

Olivia is the funniest person I've ever met!! She loves to eat spaghetti noodles and we believe she is the BEST noodle slurper in the United States!! :)  Haha!!  That has kept us laughing too - the girl can slurp noodles faster than any human we've ever seen - it really is hilarious!

We'll post more as soon as we get some pictures up!!  Just wanted to give a quick update while I was actually sitting at the computer.  (I'm off all week to be with Olivia, have both moms here, and actually had a second to do this ;))

Much Love,
Danny, Julie, and Bing Bing

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