Saturday, May 7, 2011

Updates on Olivia

Okay, so I have been a terrible blogger!!!  I overestimated the amount of time I would have with a little one around :).  I promise to try to be better about posting!!  I will also get some updated pictures on here ASAP.

Here are just a few updates:
Her favorite colors are yellow and red - it is funny how drawn to these colors she is!!!
For the last 2 days - she has fed herself over 15 cheerios ALL by herself!!  We are so proud!
She has mommy trained to pick her up with just a sound - something mommy is having to work on :)
From our last week's doctors appointment we now know that Bing does not have mal-rotation of the bowels (this is wonderful!!).  However, she does have severe reflux AS WELL AS an enlarged and somewhat troubling shaped esophagus.  She will have a barium swallow test within the next 2 months to ensure no liquid is entering her lungs when eating or drinking.  Please pray that this is not happening. 
Our little one is up to 15 lbs!!!!  YAY!  She is certainly packing on the pounds AND she grew in length as well.  She is flourishing so nicely! 
Her favorite game is peek-a-boo when we put something over her face.  She laughs every time.
We are still not sleeping through the night, but with help from our wonderful International Adoption Pediatric Specialist, Dr. Chambers, as well as advice from other adoptive moms, this has improved tremendously!
She still does not like to be on her belly, but is doing it a little more.  We both think she will walk before she crawls.  
She does not like, I repeat, she DOES NOT LIKE ANY doctors appointments!!  It doesn't matter if they are precious and no pain whatsoever, if you come near her with a stethoscope - she breaks out into a huge crying spell.  Once they back away - the crying stops.
We are still no happier in our car seat :(.  We will be excited for her to hit 20 lbs so she can turn around to be forward facing.

I am going to put pictures on here from those that knew and loved her in China.  We have pictures now from when she was just a few weeks old!!  Can you believe that?!?!  As soon as we get them downloaded - I'll post them.  We are so thankful for them and can't wait to share!

1 comment:

  1. The Chinese flag colors are red and yellow. Interesting...... Jay
