Monday, April 11, 2011

Bing Bing - Olivia :) - 2nd post home from China

Just a few more pics from China...

Our little one is a petite princess for sure!  Her size is actually a little bit of a concern - even to the Chinese physicians.  We will be busy trying to figure out why she is so small.  She wears a 3-6 month outfit the best, but we also put her in 6-9 months as well. 

Please be in major prayer about Olivia's health.  We had her 1st cardiology appointment today and our little Bing Bing has much to overcome in her little life.  Over the next few weeks we will have a GI appointment, a genetics appointment, as well as her appointment with the International Adoption Pediatric Specialist to try to figure out what needs to be addressed first with our little angel.  A heart cath is also likely in the near future to help determine next steps.  Even though our daughter is small, our God is BIG!!!  He has placed Olivia in our lives and we know that He has a plan for her life.  We know He will lead and guide our steps and lead us to the right physicians to help address her many medical concerns.
This is Gotcha Day.  They are checking to be sure we are all who we are supposed to be.

This is Olivia's precious nanny.  This is the nanny who took her to Shanghai for her heart surgery.  She is showing us lots of pictures that she sent home with us.  She cried when she left Olivia and it was heartbreaking!

One of their last pictures together.

Feeding Olivia steamed egg (orphanage instructions) after getting back to hotel on Gotcha Day.

This was the next day making it "official"

This was in the open China market.  They have lots of herbs, live scorpions, live chickens - then, not live chickens :)

Her 1st nap with us.

She has had no trouble eating!!!

Her nanny stayed until the next day when we made our adoption official.  She was such an angel and they had quite a connection.

Daddy and his precious little girl :)


  1. Julie, love the pictures! Olivia is definitely in our thoughts and prayers at all times!! Can't wait to see her, we will be official MS residents in about 3 weeks. I am planning on bringing dinner for you, I will see what is best for your schedule. With love, LaShay and the Lynch boys

  2. LaShay - so excited to hear you will soon be a MS resident again! :)... You just let us know what works best - but know that my house is no longer a clean one :).

    Excited for you to meet her!

  3. I'm so excited for your little family!! I LOVE the updates, I check everyday. We are moving May 29th!! As you know, I will be husband free for 3 months so just let me know when I can bring you dinner!!! Glad you were able to find out more about Bing-Bing's medical history and her wonderful doctors! You and Danny are wonderful parents and I know that she adores you!! Can't wait to see her!! We know nothing about sassy in our house!!
