Sunday, April 10, 2011

Yes, We Are Alive!!!

Please don't hate us for the extremely long delay in typing this post!!  Those of you who are parents most likely knew that there would be a delay :)...

We are safely home, but not well rested!  Our little one is having a tough time with the transition to U.S. time so no one is getting very much sleep presently.

She is AWESOME!!!!  She is the most adorable little child we have ever seen!  She is smart, funny, and sassy!  I can't wait for everyone to meet her.  I promise I will post more pictures later about our trip to China, but here are just a few that I can attach quickly!!

This was Gotcha Day!!!

She sleeps with both arms totally out just like this :)

Her medical exam for her U.S. visa.  She was not loving it :(

At the White Swan hotel in Guangzhou, China

Trying out her new rocker in her room and getting to know her new puppy!!

Trying out the new highchair

Meeting and LOVING her Great - Grandmother!

On our flight coming back from Guangzhou to LAX

Our fine cuisine during our stay in Changsha, China :)

For you dog lovers out there - Hunter is still getting A LOT of attention!!! :)
Danny and Julie


  1. I can hardly see through my tears to type! I love all these pics and I love you all! We will see you when you get back! She's a doll!


  2. I have been checking non stop since I knew y'all were coming home Friday, but I totally understand why no posts!
    I hope your experience with the airline was as great as ours was. I do remember several days after getting home, we would wake up around 4-5 in the morning, and stay up for a while, but it did not take too long to get on our regular schedule.
    I'm so glad you finally have her in your arms, she looks so tiny, especially in the picture in front of the waterfall, what size is she in right now, it looks like she could still wear 3 month. I had a couple of things that I had bought for Tessa, but once we had her home it was already too warm for her to wear them, I wanted to give them to you before y'all left but didn't get the chance. I believe they are 6-9 month stuff.

  3. She is adorable! I've been checking for new pictures everyday! The sleeping will get better! I think the lord puts all parents through the test of sleepless nights/days!! Can't wait to meet her. If you need anything, just send Josh a message and we will help in any way we can!!!! By the way, you are a natural! Congrats!!!

  4. I am so glad y'all updated I finally ask Mandy yesterday if ray had talked to y'all I was worried y'all were lost ha! Can't wait to meet that precious baby! She is just too cute!!!

  5. She is a doll! the one of her and Danny on the bed is priceless! They both look so happy. And, of course, I love all the pics of her and Hunter. glad to see how happy she is and how happy she has made you! Welcome to motherhood :)
