Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Our New Australian Family!!

I can only let this email speak for itself...  Enjoy reading about how GREAT and BIG our God truly is!!!

Dear Julie & Danny,
We are so thrilled to hear from you.  The photos in your blog are so beautiful and Bing Bing looks so happy.  We are so pleased that you love her as much, if not more than we do.  We returned to Australia 10 days ago after spending 4 years in Heng Yang working with ICC.  For the last 18 months I worked in the Govt Section of the orphanage complex.  Whenever I saw a premature baby or a sick baby come in I asked if I could take the baby home for special one on one care. During our time there we fostered many babies.

In January last year Bing Bing was admitted. As soon as I saw her I knew she would not survive.  At that time we had space to take only one baby over to ICC and there were two who needed to be moved out of the general population due to their needs. I asked the director if I could take one of them home.  The director agreed and said I could choose which one I wanted to take.  I chose Bing Bing.  She weighed only 2.2kg and she was very thin and malnourished.  Initially she was fed every hour, 1 1/2 hours or two hourly - whenever she wanted food in order to give her the nourishment she needed.  After a few weeks she slept through the night but still needed very regular feeds through the day. We fostered her for 10 weeks and when we took her back to one of our ICC baby rooms she weighed 3.6kg.  By then she was smiling and talking. 

We fell in love with her. We knew she was quite sick with a heart condition and I constantly prayed for God to protect her and breathe life into her.  We watched her change from a very sick little baby into a more healthy happy baby who won everyone's hearts.  We continued to visit her nearly every day when she went back to the centre and she used to get very excited whenever she saw us wriggling her arms and legs with excitement.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have and have heaps of photos which we would love to send you.  It would probably be best to either put them on a CD or USB stick to send to you if you could let us know your postal address.

Blessings and love, and big hugs for Bing Bing
Ron & Sue
Bing Bing's Australian "Chinese" grandparents


  1. Amazing. I loved reading her letter to you. :)

  2. Brings special because she attached and bonded with Ron & Sue as a baby and they loved and cared for her and basically gave her life! How wonderful. Get those pics!! Make her a baby book of her life...get them to add as much as they can so she can have it as she gets older. What a wonderful gift! While we know God has His hand on us, she will get to actually see it! LOVE it!

  3. My name is Sharelle and I live in Shelby County. My sister Kyla is at ICC in Hengyang and I have heard about and prayed for Bing Bing since she was a tiny baby. I can not believe that she is home in a godly family less than a mile away. Email me please at I would love to talk.
